WRN # 18 Cool Tunes From the Broad Chorus of Catholic Thinkers | Kristin Wilson

2022-07-02 02:45:39 By : Ms. Rose Xiao

The diversity of thought within Catholic teaching, like variety within the strictures of sonnets,  is one of its most beautiful features. It is nevertheless important to listen, as much as we can, to a broad chorus of Catholic thinkers . I have found great consolation in the fact that someone holier and smarter than myself has likely asked my questions already; my job is to find them and to listen, and then to make as many people as possible read block quotations about it. Sharon Kabel , OSB vs. UFO: Stanley Jaki and the Theology of Aliens (June 16, 2021)- OnePeterFive

I tried to keep this intro short. I think it is helpful to know what this post is all about before you dive in.

Who has time to read all the zillions of webpages with nifty neat Catholic content that is worth thinking and pondering about? It can be a chore to search, find and keep up with your favorite authors, podcasters and youtubers. So I’ve done you the eager reader a service by gathering some (mostly) recent cool tunes (a lot from june)  from the Broad Chorus of Catholic Thinkers t hat I found worthy of  bracketing off into small bits for you to browse through. Like a short version of Catholic Blog Readers Digest.

In this blog post you will find both bleeding heart liberal and traditional heartful conservative Catholic writers.  I quote all types of Catholics, as long as they give 100% acceptable Orthodox ideas about the faith and aren’t jerks about it in the particular selection I select to share. By quoting a particular person or magazine  doesn’t mean I endorse all their ideas or writings. I am selecting certain points that stand out to me as worth looking at, with this in mind.

In my selection of what and whom to include in this semi-long buffet of Catholic thought I used the Kind Gaze to Look Past Splinters in my selection of quotes. A splinter can take the form of  dispising Pope Francis and Vatican II.  I love Pope Francis and the Second Vatican Council regardless of your opinion about him.  I know I’ll probably upset some people with my selections or my choice of selectees. I’m also sure I made little formating and perhaps some grammar type errors. But…

Get over it and offer it up.

“I myself am not the Catholic Church, I may have my own misconceptions regarding what she teaches, and  I cannot exclude my own pet heresy from the judgment of the whole of the Catholic Tradition. “-Dr. John Rao.

Read on and use the kind gaze on other members of the Choir and think about good, true and beautiful things that are also witty, creative and humorous. There is a lot here. I could have added more authors and left out others. But of who is here read them all, skp some, and maybe discover somebody new.  Click on a link and read more if you so desire.

Or be a cotton-headed ninny muggins scruffy looking nerf herder and disagree with them and then Keep Calm and Carry On somewhere else. Just so you know Your Mom was Probably A Hamster and you Dad Smelled of elder berries”

This post is subject to change and updates.

So without further babbling and movie quoting here are some of those Catholics who are

 If you want to find more Catholic content not focused in this post, Here is a guide to Surfing the Catholic Web | Mark Wilson (patheos.com)

Spirituality, Lifestyle, World News & Culture — Aleteia is a worldwide network sharing stories that inspire readers daily

In early June, VOCES8 released this stupendous rendition of William Byrd’s “Ave Verum Corpus.” The piece is a stand out work in Byrd’s collection, which is prized as some of the most adept music composed in England during the Renaissance.

VOCES8’s treatment of the 17th-century tune is phenomenal, as they pronounce the Latin text with all due reverence. Their hushed tones maintain a somber atmosphere for the work, which speaks of the sacrifice Christ made for the world. J-P Mauro – VOCES8 treats our ears to William Byrd’s “Ave Verum Corpus” (06/26/22) (aleteia.org)

The Cathedral of Saltillo, also dedicated to St. James the Greater, became news on Pentecost Sunday this year.

It wasn’t because it’s one of the architectural jewels of the Mexican state of Coahulia and recognized as one of the tallest cathedrals in the country, but because of a curious incident in which the protagonists were bees.

According to local newspaper Zócalo, on the morning of Sunday, June 5—the Solemnity of Pentecost—a swarm of European bees attacked the people who were attending morning Mass at the cathedral of Saltillo, the capital of Coahuila in northern Mexico.

Curiously, this episode with the bees in Mexico took place on a date which, in addition to being Pentecost this year, was celebrated internationally as World Environment Day. Pablo Cesio Bee attack forces cathedral to close and suspend Masses in Mexico (06/26/22) (aleteia.org)

This site has an impressive set of links to other Catholic sites not listed in this article.

Being still means to stop doing what you are doing. Forget your plans and schedule, forget what you have to do right now, and forget what you want to do. Be quiet, immobile, silent, and stop focusing on all these things in your life that are in and of the world.

If one has never done this, it may not be easy. For most of us, doing this, intentionally being quiet and doing nothing in today’s world, includes no talking, no texting, no emailing, no phone calls, no keyboarding, no gaming,  no working, no social media-ing, no chats, and no staring at a screen.  It is the difference between waves crashing constantly on rocks along a shore and the flat, tranquil, glassy mirror surface of an undisturbed pond. You have to make the conscious choice to relax, settle down, and chill out – with God. Guy McClung Be Still & Know That I Am God –(June 25, 2022)  The American Catholic 

The Jesuit Review of Faith and Culture

Being a father is an embodied thing—biological, psychological, social, legal. It is—or should be—a total thing, owning wholly the man who dares to become a father. Which is why it is also an exhausting thing; it is weariness both moral and beautiful. It is a profound thing; it changes fundamentally the man made a father, deeply and hopefully for the better. At least, it should. At least, it did me. At least, I hope. Joshua J. Whitfield A married Catholic priest’s lessons from two kinds of fatherhood (June 17, 2022) America Magazine

Alleviating poverty would not end abortion, but it would reduce the demand for it. For myriad reasons, there will continue to be people who become pregnant and do not wish to give birth. But whether you count yourself as supporting a philosophy of “choice” or “life,” you are not being consistent unless you are also working toward the end of poverty—for as long as mothers are stuck in poverty, they have neither true freedom nor a fully dignified life.

In the richest society in human history, we could reduce poverty if only we had the political will to do so. Every day, we Americans make a collective choice on economic justice, and every day we choose poorly. Colleen Shaddox Pro-life and pro-choice groups are both overlooking the link between abortion and poverty | (June 06, 2022)  America Magazine

The Leader In Catholic Faith Formation | Top-quality Catholic media, books, and study programs

In response to countless requests, Ascension is launching The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) on January 1, 2023!

With this podcast, Catholics will:

If you have ever wanted to understand what it means to be Catholic and allow those truths to shape your life—this podcast is for you!

We can’t wait to start this incredible journey with you!

Keep up-to-date on all things Catechism in a Year (CIY) by joining our Facebook group here.

The Catechism in a Year – Ascension (ascensionpress.com)

NEW BOOK: On Earth as It Is in Heaven: Restoring God’s Vision of Race and Discipleship by Fr. Josh Johnson

This book follows Fr. Josh’s journey of serving as the only Black priest in the diocese of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Fr. Josh draws from the riches of  Scripture,  personal experience as a Catholic of color, his priestly ministry, and the wisdom of the Church to encourage Catholics to understand more deeply the call of Christ to make disciples of “all peoples and nations (Matt. 28:19).”

Catholic publisher of books, textbooks, and parish resources. A ministry of the United States Province of Holy Cross.

Four Ave Maria Press titles won 2022 Excellence in Publishing Awards from the Association of Catholic Publishers.

In the general interest category, Our Not-Quite-Holy-Family by Mark and Melanie Hart took first place.

St. Dymphna’s Playbook by Tommy Tighe and A White Catholic’s Guide to Racism and Privilege by Daniel P. Horan tied for third place in the general interest category. Deacon Harold Burke Sivers also won a third-place award in resources for ministry for his book for deacons, Our Life of Service.

First-, second-, and third-place awards were given in sixteen categories. An overall resource of the year from among the first-place winners will be announced later this summer.

See the complete list of winners on the ACP website.

AVP also publishes Reclaiming Catholic History Series by Mike Aquilina Reclaiming Vatican II by Fr. Blake Britton The Way of Beatitude by Casey Cole, OFM Pray for Us by Meg Hunter-Kilmer My Badass Book of Saints by Maria Morera Johnson Becoming Eucharistic People: The Hope and Promise of Parish Life by  Timothy P. O’Malley Jane Austen’s Genius Guide to Life by Haley Stewart What to Say and How to Say It, Volume 1 – 3 by Brandon Vogt

Build the Church. Bless the Nation. http:// avemariaradio.net/live

We’re celebrating the Feast of Corpus Christi. Peter Kreeft has imagined a dialogue between three great Christian minds of the last century – CS Lewis, JRR Tolkien, and Billy Graham. What would a Southern Baptist evangelist and a devoutly Catholic philologist and author have to say about the Eucharist? Dr. Kreeft joins us. Kresta in the Afternoon – June 17, 2022 – Hour 2 – Ave Maria Radio

Nonprofit media in the tradition of Daniel Rudd’s ‘American Catholic Tribune’ (1885-1897). Amplifying Black Catholic voices.

To state the obvious, those who affirm that abortion violates the right to life are happy, and those who chiefly emphasize the freedom of women are upset. But in order for our nation to truly prosper in regard to human dignity, we must examine the sanctity of life from a holistic, or Whole Life approach. In this worldview, women’s rights are protected and catered to, but so are the lives of the unborn. A holistic approach would also bring to light the underlying economic issues that contribute to abortion—such as underpaid or unpaid maternity leave, as well as lower wages in the workplace.

The Church can be a powerful witness when it works together in unity to tackle the life issues of the age and does not allow politics to dictate its works of mercy. A house divided cannot stand, and hypocrisy will always rob us of justice. Our heavily Catholic Supreme Court, for example, overturned Roe in the same week that it shot down gun control, while conservatives in Congress—many of them Catholic—blocked protections for breastfeeding mothers. Briana Jansky – Overturning Roe demands commitment to Black women’s health (June 25, 2022) (blackcatholicmessenger.com)

Busted Halo is a media ministry dedicated to sharing the faith joyfully! Listen on @SiriusXM  Channel 129 M-F, 6-8 p.m. ET

In “The Mountain Trail and Its Message,” Albert W. Palmer tells about a conversation he allegedly had with the great naturalist John Muir, in which Muir suggests:

“[The word ‘saunter’ is] a beautiful word. Away back in the Middle Ages people used to go on pilgrimages to the Holy Land, and when people in the villages through which they passed asked where they were going, they would reply, ‘A la sainte terre,’ ‘To the Holy Land.’ And so they became known as sainte-terre-ers or saunterers.”

It turns out I also enjoy a good saunter — although in this case, my destination isn’t “the” Holy Land but rather to be fully in the presence of all the holy creation around me. It’s so refreshing to take a wandering and meditative walk through wherever I happen to be with the experience itself as its end. It’s when sauntering that solutions to problems materialize, creativity flows, and my soul is inspired.  MEGAN ARTEAGA The Parable of the Saunterer: How To Take It Slow and Enjoy the Journey (JUNE 20, 2022) – Busted Halo

Cardinal Seán O’Malley shares his reflections and experiences

I welcome the Court’s decision, but I do not underestimate how profoundly divisive the issue of abortion has been and will continue to be in our public life.  Even more tragic has been the personal suffering of women facing unplanned pregnancies in difficult situations.  The Church has consistently opposed the moral and legal dimensions of Roe v. Wade; we also adamantly reject stigmatizing, criminalizing, judging or shaming women who have had abortions or are considering them.  Too often isolated and desperate, women have felt they had no other choice.  They need and deserve spiritual, emotional, and material support from the Church and from society.

In the Archdiocese of Boston, we have sought, through Project Rachel and Pregnancy Help, to support women facing a crisis pregnancy and women whose lives have been impacted by an abortion.  In addition, the Church offers the Lord’s boundless mercy and healing to those suffering from the spiritual harms of abortion.  In the face of recent statistics indicating an increase in abortions, our pastoral and social support for women will continue, will be welcoming, and will be available to all who need them. Cardinal Sean O’Malley A day many thought would never come (June 24, 2022)Cardinal Seán’s Blog (cardinalseansblog.org)

A Blog about Ancient Insights on Modern Living

The schedule in our monasteries includes an activity called the hour of recreation, in which the community gathers in a common room to talk together. It typically follows the evening hour of mental (silent) prayer, and the two share a lot in common. Both require the same attentiveness of heart, both require patient perseverance to gain their reward, and in both that reward is an experience of getting to know the other and being known by them

Recreation is a time set aside for the whole community to gather together for conversation, storytelling, and humor. It’s not a diversion from our life of prayer, but a necessary part of it. St. Teresa-Benedicta was a welcome presence at her community recreations. Her novice mistress tells us “She was a first rate storyteller and could turn even the most trivial incident into a thrilling adventure” (Edith Stein: Life of a Philosopher and Carmelite, pg. 137). St. Thérèse made the community laugh with her rare talent for impersonations (if you can imagine that). No doubt she saw her participation during the hour of recreation as an essential part of living her little way, practicing virtues that go largely unnoticed and in ordinary settings.

Br. Isaiah of the Holy Face What I’ve Learned from Recreation –(June 5th, 2022) Discalced Carmelite Friars

Explore the Catholic faith and its impact on our world through the different perspectives of Catholic authors, bloggers, evangelists and theologians.

Science has proven it and the Bible has affirmed it long before.  Music is good for us.  The bible is replete with verses [dozens] exhorting us to sing and dance and clearly these two art forms are strongly imbedded in our culture and at mass.

 Author, Stacy Horn in her book Imperfect Harmony: Finding Happiness Singing With Others  has clearly noted, “Singing is cheaper than therapy, healthier than drinking and more fun than working out.”  Music is clearly a nutrient for the nervous system. It is trans-formative, soothes  our nerves and elevates our spirits.

Catholic Answers is a media ministry that serves Christ by explaining and defending the Catholic faith. See all the ways we do it.

Catholics do everything the hard way. Just look at our saints: rich people who decided to be poor, attractive people who became nuns, powerful people whom everybody respected until they decided to be all picky about doctrine this or dogma that. Then there are countless people who, in the prime of life, practically volunteered to be dead.

These people are the Catholic Church’s celebrities. The thing is, nobody thought so at the time. Everybody thought they were nuts. Nobody looked at St. Francis and said, “Someday you are going to make a great garden statue.” They said, “You just gave up a fortune to live like a leper. Aren’t you taking this God thing a little far?” Susie Lloyd Catholic Life the Hard Way Is Easier (June 16, 2022) Catholic Answers

Light is what draws us to the Heavens on a day with a clear sky. It is what makes us wonder at the millions of stars bursting in radiance in the night. It is what can illuminate any darkness no matter how small the flame may be. The light we see in the Sacraments passing from Christ into His people is nothing short of a miracle. The light we witness on the Cross, expelling all sin and darkness from our twisted up hearts, brings us closer to the very nature of love, the deepest kind of love, the love of Christ. In Him I see my guiding Light and my strength to carry on each and every day of my life. He is my starlight in the dark of the sky, letting me gaze of his majesty. William Clemens Starlight -(5/24/2022) Catholic Apostolate Center

Sharing the wisdom & tradition of the #CatholicChurch w/ wit, thoughtfulness and a bit of wackiness. Hosts Kai + Libby want to be central to your faith! ✝️

Talk For Saints and Sinners Channel 129

Combining a modern talk format and open dialogue, The Catholic Channel focuses on Catholicism in the 21st century, especially as it is lived in today’s world. The Catholic Channel addresses issues in the news and on the mind of the listeners: everything from what’s happening in the Church today, to the headline stories of current events and politics, to the latest in the world of entertainment, the arts and sports.

Your marriage is not just about how you feel in this moment. In fact, much of marriage is not how we “feel” at all. It’s about what we know is true. Feelings are fleeting; they turn on a dime.

The earthly life and the spiritual life are a series of peaks and valleys, and the landscape is ever-changing. There is one unchanging element in your marriage. Cling to that. It is God.

When you join yourself to another in Holy Matrimony, you become a stepping stone to God. Consider it your job to get your spouse to heaven. Work for it, pray for it, sacrifice for it, and embrace it. There is no greater way to show your love than to work for the sanctification of your beloved.

When a beloved son or daughter, brother, sister, friend, parent or even spouse has fallen away from Christ and the Church, we obviously still love them, and just as obviously we cannot be haranguing them constantly when we have such ample evidence that they are not open to our pleading or our logic. I would argue that we should try to be sensitive to fresh opportunities, but in my own experience, these are very few and far between. It is precisely here that we must realize that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit love our family member or friend far more than we do, and so we are wise to trust in the workings of Divine grace and to seek to maximize the operations of that grace. Our Lord has given us the power to do this through prayer and sacrifice. And yet it has always astonished me how few people seem to have recourse to constant prayer, let alone sacrifice, when they are in one of these situations which makes it difficult to speak effectively.

Dr. Jeff Mirus  For the fallen away: The line between charity and cowardice (Jun 21, 2022) Catholic Culture

Throughout history, the Church has been at the forefront of “food movements.” Monks began brewing beer in the Middle Ages for their own consumption and then sold it to the public. Religious Orders all over Europe made wine, cheese, bread, and other products. This tradition continues today in Religious communities that farm the land, roast coffee beans, make wine and beer, raise animals, and sell gourmet food items. In fact, Catholics are the perfect people to champion the rebirth of a culinary culture. How to eat like a Catholic – Catholic Digest

A pope who openly and repeatedly speaks about the language of the devil, the father of lies, the war against God, and prayer to the Holy Family as a way to combat it clearly isn’t trying to win points with the progressive media. Argentina’s President Cristina Kirchner accused him of medievalism for these remarks, but that didn’t intimidate him or others. And she was forced to withdraw the criticism.

It may only be a personal reaction after hearing so many different political, liturgical, and theological views about Pope Francis, but any pope who can seriously assert again that sin exists, that it’s more than a matter of mere human weaknesses and errors, that the whole of the old Christian drama as a contest between God and Satan is still the center of the Faith — and the reason that the Church exists — just may have something fresh to say to the world. Robert Royal, The Devil and Pope Francis (catholiceducation.org)

Scripture goes on to tell us that John the Baptist, still unborn, leapt for joy in Elizabeth’s womb and she was filled with the Holy Spirit. We are shown in this passage the transition between the Old and the New Covenant. On the one hand, we have a woman too old to conceive a child through ordinary means, yet through the extraordinary power of the Holy Spirit, her womb is prepared and granted the grace to bear the last prophet of the Old Covenant. On the other hand, we have a woman quite young and not ready to conceive a child through ordinary means, but again through the extraordinary power of the Holy Spirit her womb is chosen and prepared to bear the New Covenant Himself.

It is through this powerful encounter between these two holy women that the Old and New Covenant intersect and the totality of salvation history is made clear. Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (MAY 31, 2022) (catholicexchange.com)

Twitter and social media in general are not usually seen as platforms that display civilized discussion and insightful conversation, but it doesn’t have to be that way. As Catholics, our interaction with the world should be exemplary. We should be a light in the darkness, a city on the hill (Mt 5:14). That applies to all areas of life, including social media. Our online presence should be radically distinct from the swathes of Twitter mobs that plague the internet. No platform is incompatible with Catholicism. But they all require sanctification. And there can be no sanctification without an intention to grow in personal holiness. Jonathan Quist A Digital Etiquette – A Catholic Guide for Using Social Media (March 30, 2022) The Catholic Gentleman

Updates from Lino Rulli’s The Catholic Guy. Show airs M-F from 4-6 pm ET and replays 8-10pm ET on The Catholic Channel, Sirius XM 129

Lino Rulli@linorulli (Jun 14, 2022): Its not Christmas, but this is why our producer Tyler is a true gift: He actually thought the song was called Round Young Virgin.

Bears Are Fast@bearsarefast (Jun 14, 2022) This Day in BearsAreFast History: [2/6] Round Young Virgin – a description of the pregnant, youthful, and motherly Virgin Mary in the classic Christmas song “Silent Night”.

Example: “Of course the song says, ‘Round, young virgin, mother and child.” Who says “yon?”” (6/14/19)

I can’t quite put my finger on it. When was the moment I was converted? Was it after a friend, whose virtues stood as a witness to the supernatural grace of God, unexpectedly forgave me with true Christian charity, despite all the injury I’d done him? Was it after being moved by the magnificence and soul-striking beauty of Florence and Venice, or the peaceful reverence of an Andalusian mountain town on a Sunday? Or was it rather upon the encounter with Holy Mother Church’s rich wellspring of truthful and sensical philosophy and theology?

What I do know is that, today, I’m home. More than that, it would be an insult to the graces I’ve received to pretend I’m anything less than certain about the Faith. My soul, intellect, and will have been shown more than enough for any doubts to flee.

The Catholic Faith closely reflects a great Gothic cathedral; it’s not a simple thing. And, in the same vein a great cathedral is built, none of this happened overnight. Thomas Colsy, Discovering the Gothic foundations of Faith -(June 25, 2022) Catholic Herald

Yes, devotion to the ‘Sacred Heart’ may descend into saccharine spirituality and kitsch art, but the central point is sound:  That Christ loves us with His whole being, not just as God, but as Man, with His human heart that moves Him to have mercy and pity, willing the salvation of all men, and drawing all to Himself, even to the point that we from our humanly, earthly perspective might find mysterious, even disconcerting. His mercy always triumphs over His justice. Get behind me Satan, was Christ’s response to the ‘logic’ of Peter, trying to find a non-suffering way for Christ to save Man. Christ follows a higher, supernatural ‘logic’, if you will, the way of the word. Suffering is the way of love, and love always, always implies giving oneself for the other, in some way. John Paul Meenan, Editor The Logic of the Sacred Heart (June 24, 2022) Catholic Insight

We are a Catholic site with hundreds of audiovisual Catholic resources for the New Evangelization. Free to use and share! 

HIS name is Juan Vicente Pérez Mora, he’s Venezuelan, passionate about his faith, prays the rosary twice a day, and was named in the Guinness World Records as the oldest man in the world.

Mr Mora was born on May 27, 1909 and this year he turned 113 years old.

Juan is the oldest man in the world and he prays the rosary twice a day – The Catholic Leader

Catholic News Service is a leader in religious news. Our mission is to report fully, fairly and freely on the involvement of the church in the world today.

“Crime has spread everywhere, disrupting the daily life of our entire society, affecting productive activities in cities and the countryside, exerting pressure with extortion against those who work honestly in markets, schools and small businesses, along with medium and large companies. (Criminals) have taken over the streets, neighborhoods and entire towns, as well as roads and highways,” the bishops said in their June 23 statement.

“Most seriously, (criminal groups) have expressed themselves through levels of inhuman cruelty in executions and massacres that have made our country one of the most insecure and violent places in the world.”

Jesuit Fathers Javier Campos Morales and Joaquín César Mora Salazar died defending their parish in Cerocahui, in the Copper Canyon of Chihuahua state, which serves the Indigenous Tarahumara population.

David Agren, After Jesuit murders, Mexican bishops urge president to revise strategy  (June 23, 2022) Catholic News Service

Blessed Luigi and Maria Beltrame Quattrocchi are the official patrons of the 10th World Meeting of Families taking place in Rome on June 22-26.

The Italian couple was married for 45 years, enduring two world wars together and nurturing their four children’s vocations in service of the Church amid unprecedented difficulties facing Europe.

Both of their sons became priests in the 1930s and went on to concelebrate the beatification Mass of their parents with John Paul II in 2001.

Courtney Mares (CNA)Official patrons of the 10th World Meeting of Families -(6/21/2022)  Living Faith – Home & Family – News – Catholic Online

During our 75th year, we released monthly podcasts to celebrate the many people—partners, donors, supporters, staff and program participants — who have brought our mission to life.

Take a listen—and get a glimpse of the future world we are building together! Podcasts | CRS 75th Anniversary

On the eve of the World Meeting of Families and with a view toward the beatification Sept. 4 of Pope John Paul I, attention turned to his initial openness to softening Catholic teaching on contraception and his later support for the teaching of St. Paul VI.’

The editorial director of Vatican News, Andrea Tornielli, and the vice postulator of St. John Paul’s sainthood cause, Stefania Falasca, both focused in June on a document drafted in 1967 by then-Bishop Albino Luciani of Vittorio Veneto — the future pope.

“In the course of that conference he had said, ‘For me this is the biggest theological issue that has ever been dealt with in the church. When there was Arius or Nestorius and they were talking about the two natures in Christ, they were serious issues, yes, but they were understood only at the top of the church, by theologians and bishops. The poor people understood nothing about these things and would say, ‘I adore Jesus Christ, I love the Lord who redeemed me,’ and it was all there, there was no danger.”

When, however, the pope published Humanae Vitae, Luciani acknowledged the disappointment of many Catholics, but insisted the pope “put his trust in God” and was inspired to uphold “the constant teaching of the magisterium in this most delicate matter in all its purity.” ‘

Cindy Wooden  of Catholic News Service John Paul I and the pill: He wanted change, but accepted ‘Humanae Vitae’ (Jun 23, 2022)– Catholic Review

Notes about your extended family in heaven.

Who’s the patron of your state (political or spiritual)? Condition (physical or spiritual)? Vocation (monetary or spiritual)? Hobby? Maybe you can find out here.

This site has information on topics with patron saints, and profiles of those saints. Profiles have portraits, biographical information, areas of patronage, prayers, links to related sites, readings, etc. It’s not complete – I keep finding new topics, there are hundreds of saints not yet listed, and there’s lots of information to add, so the site will continue to grow and change. Thanks for stopping by.

CATHOLIC STAND is an e-publication owned by Little Vatican, offering perspectives on issues that challenge people living the Truth the Church teaches.

Upon the heels of the glorious Easter season, Catholics celebrate Pentecost, followed by two more liturgical feasts. Ordinary Time has begun, and yet our spirits feel the extraordinary effects of Lent, Eastertide, Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, and Corpus Christi. Amidst the flowering roses, wedding bells, and vacation destinations of June, our spiritual selves need continual nourishment as we move on with the business of life in a secular culture. As the month of May is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, so Catholic tradition dedicates June to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This proceeds from Jesus’ apparitions to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, a young girl in 17th century France. Mary Ennis Meo  Claiming June for the Sacred Heart of Jesus –(22 June AD 2022)  Catholic Stand

The Catholic Talk Show features Ryan DellaCrosse, Ryan Scheel, and Fr. Rich Pagano. The show is hilarious, entertaining, and informative!

Episode 191: In this episode, we will discuss: • The most important sites in The Holy Land • The site of the Annunciation • The site where Christ was born • The site where the Angels visited the shepherds • Where was St. Joseph’s workshop? • The birthplace of The Virgin Mary • and much more

The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary.

For better or worse, Christianity is not simply a matter of moral goodness; it is also a matter of doctrine, as it has been since the time of the Apostles.  If morality is the superstructure of Christianity, doctrine is its foundation.  Do away with the foundation, or simply don’t take the trouble to keep it in good repair, and the structure will collapse. David Carlin Is Love All You Need? – (JUNE 24, 2022) The Catholic Thing

Since God chose to intervene in human affairs, writes Newman, it should not surprise us that He would “make provisions for retaining in the world a knowledge of Himself.” Left to our own devices, we would inevitably bring God’s saving message to ruin. So He established the Church and provides her the gift of infallibility, whereby, through His power, she teaches without error what God has revealed and wishes the whole world to know.David G Bonagura, Jr. Infallibility: An Antidote to Intellectual Madness –,( JUNE 25, 2022)  The Catholic Thing

America’s Catholic Television Network®. Mass every day, live and on demand. http:// WatchtheMass.com, http:// CatholicTV.com.

How can a Carmelite Monastery of cloistered monks in the middle of Wyoming become a premier coffee company? Prayer and creativity fueled the astonishing success of Mystic Monks Coffee, now an international success and boasting multiple gourmet collections of coffees, teas, and chocolates.

When one of the monks’ sister bought a small coffee plantation in Costa Rica, the community launched an entirely Internet-based company to sell their special blends roasted (for the first batches) in cast-iron skillets. 12 years later, the monks had enough income to purchase a mountain property and build 24 hermitages. Today, the gothic church at the center of the monastery is under construction, and every bag of Mystic Monk Coffee goes towards its completion and the daily life of the monks. Erika Ahern  Make Your Coffee Break Catholic: 5 Catholic-Run Roasters (May 16, 2022) – CatholicVote org

The Divine Liturgy of the Christian churches is best understood as a mystical remembering, renewal, and participation in the saving work of the Saviour, through which eternity entered time, so that we might be redeemed from death. What eternity worked in history, is endlessly actualised on altars all over the world. It is our privilege to be allowed to share in this.

Words fail us, but the Divine Liturgy is also a return to the Father’s house, to share in the communion of the Son; an Exodus from earthly to heavenly realities, and a climbing of the holy mountain of the Temple.

The Eucharistic summit of our liturgical services replicates on earth the essence of the worship eternally offered in heaven. Fr Yuhanna Azize Melto D’Moronyo: When eternity enters into time (June 26, 2022) catholicweekly.com.au)

Catholic World Report provides a Catholic perspective on news in and outside the Church.

Popular author Fr. Dwight Longenecker and his children, along with veteran filmmaker Stan Williams, are producing a documentary chronicling their intercontinental family trek to the seven monastic sites known as “the Sword of St. Michael”.

Dotting the mountaintops of Europe, stretching 2,500 miles and aligned like pearls on a string, lie seven ancient monasteries. Some of the historic structures still house the cloistered religious orders which founded them, hundreds of years ago. Others have been recommissioned for a secular purpose; and still others stand vacant, stark reminders of the prayer and sacrifice which marked the days inside their walls.

And while the medieval monasteries and shrines were founded at different times and in different countries, served by different religious orders, yet there is a continuity which is hard to attribute to chance. Kathy Schiffer Monasteries linked to the Archangel Michael share a mission and a message –(June 17, 2022)   Catholic World Report

I brought a chocolate peppermint plant a few weeks ago. It looked strong and healthy. Suddenly Thrips(a tiny bug) attacked the plant. Thrips are deceiving because you can’t see them right away. They blend in with the color of the plant.

They remind me of the spiritual life. Sometimes sin appears small. If not treated properly, it takes over and destroys us spiritually. Confession is very important! After we confess our sins to the priest, God removes the sin from our lives. He picks off the spiritual bugs that are bugging us.  Sometimes God uses plants and flowers to remind us of our spiritual lives. Angela Lano i Lessons from a Chocolate Peppermint Plant –(June 21, 2022) The Catholic Writers Guild

Inviting Catholics and non-Catholics home to the Catholic Faith using TV commercials and the Internet

Run by St. Benedict Center which is A Catholic apostolate working for restoration of tradition and the conversion of America.

Another idea that came to mind was to talk about everybody’s favorite mythical mammal, the unicorn, an inoffensive subject if there ever was one, and one upon which I happen to be an expert. Not that it’s difficult to be an expert on something that does not actually exist; having a good imagination is all that’s required.

Now, as for unicorns, the subject of my expertise, it might surprise you to know that it, too, has long been a Christian symbol. Along with the pelican and the phoenix, symbols of the Precious Blood and the Resurrection respectively, the unicorn was treated in a second-century Greek patristic text called the Physiologus, where we learn that the unicorn can be captured only in the lap of a pure virgin, making it a wonderful allegory of the Incarnation of Our Lord in the virginal womb of Mary, as well as a symbol of chastity.

BROTHER ANDRÉ MARIE We Are Measured by the Quality of Our Loves – (JUN 13, 2022)  Catholicism.org

The Franciscan worldview is that the Christ is everywhere. In fact, this was my Bachelor of Arts thesis in college. I wrote it on the quote from Francis where he says, “Don’t speak to me of Benedict; don’t speak to me of Augustine! The Lord called me to a different way.”

Francis didn’t need to create a monastery, as the Benedictines and Augustinians had done. He didn’t want us to be enclosed monks. He wanted us to be friars, living in the middle of the people. To this day, Franciscan friaries are in the heart of most major European cities. Fr. Richard Rohr A Ministry of Action and Contemplation (June 12th, 2022) Center for Action and Contemplation (cac.org)

One of the great tasks and challenges of being a Catholic minister or faith-sharer of any sort is to help one’s listener understand the timelessness of this body of faith and practice. The importance of that timelessness is not to “prove” anything but, more than anything else, to give hope. You, there – you are not alone in your weakness, pain, suffering and fears. It’s called being human and in Christ, no matter who you are, when or where you live or what the specifics of your situation are, in him and his Body, the Church, you will find comfort, healing, hope and answers.

In other painfully well-worn words, we don’t have to reinvent the wheel every generation. We have the spiritual resources, if we understand them properly and at a deep level, to point the suffering, questioning soul in the right direction, to open their hearts so they can hear Him.

Amy Welborn St. Cyril and OLPH |(June 27, 2022 ) Charlotte was Both (wordpress.com)

The saints venerated in the early Church reflect its diversity, from St. Ephigenia princess of Ethiopia to St. Shemon Bar Sabbae of modern Iraq, from St. Mary of Egypt to St. Alban of England. But as the Church of Rome became more distant from her sister Churches in India and Lebanon and Ethiopia—divided by politics sometimes as much as geography—the canon of saints became (understandably) whiter. And though the Gospel was eventually preached to the ends of the earth, it took some time for the canon to reflect the global Church in its diversity. Meg Hunter-Kilmer In Praise of Saints Who Truly Reflect the Global (Not Just European) Church (February 04, 2022)  Church Life Journal | University of Notre Dame (nd.edu)

Honestly finding anything on CM not negative worth sharing is like going on a quest to get rid of the one ring.

While sanctity is a must, Christians also need to be genuine, which goes hand in hand with being fun and interesting. And, note well, when those latter ingredients are missing, normal people jump ship — taking their talents and charm with them. The result is a stilted, maladroit Church full of doughy men and frumpy women.

I’m not advocating ditching holiness and virtue to be cool. What I’m saying is put down the theology books once in a while and learn to recreate like normal people. For the sake of all that’s good and holy, pick up an issue of Sports Illustrated. Perhaps — gasp — play some video games. Maybe, God forbid, lift a weight (something heavier than the Summa Theologiae). Joseph Enders  Make Catholicism Cool Again  (March 10, 2022)(churchmilitant.com)

Christian culture that’s fun, informative, & inspirational.  A service of @EWTNews

“Courageously surrender your fears to Christ and boldly move forward in doing the good.”

Michelle Christine Duppong said these words in her Dakota Catholic Action “Run to Win” column on Sept. 4, 2014, approximately one year prior to her death.

A review of religion, politics, and culture since 1924, edited by lay Catholics.

Accompanying People Who Experience Same-Sex Attraction

At the 2019 Steubenville “Defending the Faith” conference, Father Sean Kilcawley delivered an insightful and compassionate presentation on how to minister to people who live with same-sex attractions, most especially those first tentative encounters when the person is likely to be dealing with a lot of shame and uncertainty about how God and the Church view them. He also discusses the best ways to present the teachings of the Church in this area. Father Kilcawley is the Director of the Office of Family Life for the Diocese of Lincoln and will be speaking at our annual conference in July.Watch Fr. Ki lcawley on accompanying people with same-sex attractions Courage Newsletter June 2022: Faithful to Our Mission to the End! (constantcontact.com)

America’s leading source for #Catholic perspectives on news, culture, and politics since 1982.

In God’s Divine Providence, we can just never know how our actions or interactions might affect another. Everyone is created by God and loved infinitely by Him, and we are called to be examples of His love in the world—even to the tattooed skinheads of the world, even when they look to be hostile to the true, the good, and the beautiful. This I have learned and I encourage my children to look past some of the outlandish antics of people and to judge them for who they are—children of God who are in need of our prayers and good example. Tom McFadden Skinheads, Nose Rings, and Tattoos, Oh My! (JANUARY 20, 2022) (crisismagazine.com)

Providing the best in smart, wired and independent Catholic news both in the United States and throughout the world. Edited by @JohnLAllenJr

An Irish Pilgrimage Guide to the Holy Land is available from Columba Books, and was written after a decades-long relationship with the region.

“I was lucky enough to go to the Holy Land for the first time when I was 18 years old. And I completely fell in love with the place. I found Jerusalem absolutely intoxicating. I found the Old City almost calling out to me,” Kelly told Crux.

Charles Collins New guide helps pilgrims fully appreciate the Holy Land (Jun 27, 2022) Crux (cruxnow.com)

Film critic, Catholic deacon, father of 7. http:// decentfilms.com creator.

For a while it seems Dominion wants to be the franchise’s Mission: Impossible. Instead, it’s the anti–Top Gun: Maverick.

The achievement of this summer’s extraordinary Tom Cruise legacyquel includes projecting the characters, themes, and trajectories of the original Top Gun more than three decades into the future, gracefully revisiting nearly everything fans loved about the 1986 blockbuster while also shrewdly patching up its issues and improving on it at every turn. Jurassic World Dominion can’t even manage to carry on the themes and trajectories of its immediate predecessor, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, let alone any of the prior Jurassic films. Maverick almost makes Top Gun a better movie retroactively. Jurassic World Dominion can’t touch the Jurassic Park trilogy, but, capping the Jurassic World trilogy, it makes its two predecessors retroactively worse. Steven D. Greydanus Jurassic World Dominion (June 10, 2022 ) – Decent Films

Since 1941, the Divine Mercy message and devotion has been spread by the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception and our Association of Marian Helpers.

Jesus, in you are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, — make known to us through your Church the manifold wisdom of God. Most loving Lord, have mercy on us. Morning Prayer – Solemnity for Sacred Heart of Jesus

God is rich in mercy; because of his great love for us he brought us to life with Christ when we were dead in sin. By this favor you were saved. Both with and in Christ Jesus he raised us up and gave us a place in the heavens, that in the ages to come he might display the great wealth of his favor, manifested by his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. READING Ephesians 2:4-7 Evening Prayer II – Solemnity for Sacred Heart of Jesus

I’ve heard about these cults. Everyone dresses in black and says our Lord’s going to come back and judge us all. These cults attract the police, just like the church does. Our common themed motto is ‘Down With This Sort of Thing”. There was a time when the police in this country were friends of the church; speeding tickets torn up, drunk driving charges quashed, even a blind eye turned to the odd murder!”When these stressful ideas crop up in me head I resort to something calming such as drinking Tea. It doesn’t matter what day it is. There is always time for a nice cup of tea! Didn’t our Lord Himself on the cross pause for a nice cup of tea before giving Himself up for the world? Whenever you need anyone, Our Lord is there with the spiritual tea of his love for you to sip. Ted Rick, Whenever You Need Anybody,August 31, 2020 (Eccumentical Matters)

Catholic holiness through humor | Official account for http:// EpicPew.com a service of @SophiaInsPress

Producers of family- and faith-based media since 1947, founded on Sunset Blvd. by Venerable Father Patrick Peyton, CSC. Entertain-Inspire-Educate.

Inspiring faith and creativity and exploring the arts through a spiritual lens.

I am not a Catholic, so the saints have never played much of a role in my religious practice. While many of their names are familiar to me, and I know a few of their stories, I do not pray to the saints, nor do I venerate them in any particular way. Nevertheless, there is one saint I particularly admire: Saint Maria Goretti.

Amid my struggle with sinful thoughts, Maria Goretti will show me that even the most unspeakable acts can and should be forgiven. Her deep religious faith will remind me that my efforts are not merely an attempt to comply with an abstract rule, but an absolute necessity if I wish to follow Christ – for I cannot claim to love God if I do not love His children. Megan McKinstray Saint Maria Goretti and Me   – Fellowship & Fairydust (fellowshipandfairydust.com)

For Women. For the Church. Helping you find truth in the tension, and live your faith in real life

This year, FemCatholic contacted all 176 dioceses in the United States. We were only able to confirm that 31 offer fully paid maternity or family leave policies.

Inspired by the writings of Pope St. John Paul II, we aim to start a conversation on family leave with the Catholic Church at large. We’re also writing a petition to the US Bishops asking them to lead the way in progressing family policies in their dioceses. Paid Leave Petition (femcatholic.com)

Much remains to be done to prevent discrimination against those who have chosen to be wives and mothers…This is a matter of justice but also of necessity…It will force systems to be redesigned in a way which favors the pro-cesses of humanization which mark the “civilization of love.”

Pope St. John Paul II

Join us in Building a Civilization of Love (femcatholic.com)

America’s most influential journal of religion & public life

When I say that good sex is reciprocal, I do not mean only that it is mutual. If I desire you and you desire me, this isn’t simply a convenient pairing as when, for instance, I want to buy a pair of shoes and you want to sell a pair. What each of us desires isn’t a preexisting thing, which the other person can give us access to or withhold (such as our bodies, or permission to do certain things to them). Instead, our desire for one another has a reciprocal quality. Part of my desire for you includes a desire for you to want me. My desire for you also entails wanting you to delight in my desire for you, and for your experience of my desire to increase your desire for me. Audrey Pollnow What Sex Really Is by Audrey Pollnow |(June 2022) Articles | First Things

FOCUS is a #Catholic collegiate outreach whose mission is to share the hope and joy of the Gospel with college students

Experience begets the best knowledge. I wanted to evangelize LA, but I didn’t have the skills to do so. I didn’t have the hours of leading a Bible study under my belt. I didn’t have the courage needed to reach out to strangers that only fortifies as a campus missionary who faces rejection after rejection. I didn’t have the method modeled by the Master. FOCUS equipped me. FOCUS gave me the tools to concretely live out my faith. Again, this isn’t a “FOCUS is the best!” plug. My time with FOCUS wasn’t perfect. The organization is imperfect and has certain ways it can definitely improve. But it’s still true. Serving on a campus for even just two years has radically transformed my life.

Catholic Non-Profit focused on evangelization and new media. Weekly podcasts, YouTube channel and Church events.

Academically excellent and passionately Catholic, Franciscan University educates, evangelizes, and sends forth joyful disciples for lives of worldwide mission.

Now is the time, as Eugene McCarraher notes, for a “Saint Francis Option”. And what that means is we hurl ourselves into the world no matter the risks, no matter the cost, in a great act of self-dispossession for the sake of the world.  And what that means concretely is that where the world destroys beauty and replaces it with ugliness, we replace that ugliness with beauty.  And where the world disparages truth and replaces it with clever lies and illusions, we cling to truth, promote truth, and that includes truths we find outside of our own tradition that are strewn all about the world like little golden nuggets of sanity from God. And where the world tramples over goodness, both moral and spiritual, we remain steadfast in the good and do not capitulate in our own lives to its attenuation through a million bourgeois paper cuts. It means a simplicity of life, and the living out of the corporal and spiritual works of mercy.  It means, as Dorothy Day taught, that we live out with earnest seriousness, The Sermon on the Mount

But there is also something else, something critical, something absolutely indispensable.  We must be educated and intelligent.  Learn things damn it.  Become voraciously interested in all kinds of things.  Read.  Converse with others outside of your balkanized box of discourse.  Pray.  Meditate.  Contemplate. Read some more. Read still more.  Be brutally honest with yourself in an act of prayerful contemplation over your own intellect and its ideas.  Think deeply about why it is you most truly think as you do and not about what it is you are “supposed” to think.  And do not submerge doubts but entertain them. Not in the sense of allowing them to destroy your faith. But in the sense that you take those doubts to dinner with you and plumb their depths.  Do not hide. Seek.  Think doubts through to the other end until the doubt becomes a catalyst for an even deeper faith.  Think deeply about why other people think as they do.  And listen to them first, talk to them second.  And when they speak do not be thinking about how to respond to them before they have even finished speaking. Nobody is ever wholly evil and nobody is ever wholly our enemy.  There is a freshness deep down things and that includes everyone we meet.  Love the people you meet.  Know them.  Because the greatest apologia of all is friendship. Larry Chapp,Flipping the Script: The False Immanence of Modernity |(June 29, 2022) Gaudium et Spes 22

Catholic, former Jesuit, lover of Ignatian spirituality, finding God in all things, and author of God Moments: Unexpected Encounters in the Ordinary. AMDG!

For Christians the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus becomes the primary archetypal story. Jesus is the ultimate new beginning who gives to us a new way of being human, a new way of understanding God’s faithfulness, and a kingdom that is all about hope. But it’s an “upside down” kingdom: We must die to self in order to find ourselves. We must become blind in order to see. We must carry our cross to find liberation. And even physical death itself gives way to eternal life. It’s a kingdom that finds its power in love, not violence.

Jesus was offering restoration to practically everyone he encountered, whether through a call to follow him into a new life, a physical healing that restored people again to their communities, or forgiveness that restored their own sense of worth and belovedness. Andy Otto, Making Idols of Human Institutions  (June 21, 2021) God In All Things

Julie and Scott infuriate the local Bishop, who suggests they go on a road trip. They decide to attend a theological discussion where each person of the Trinity is represented by a bottle of wine. Episode 283: Monsignor Quixote by Graham Greene.

The #1 Catholic prayer & meditation app to help you find peace, deepen your relationship with God, and sleep soundly every night. #Hallow

“Pray as if God will take care of all; act as if all is up to you.” – St. Ignatius of Loyola

Fr. Patrick Riviere,Homilies for June 2022 – Homiletic & Pastoral Review (hprweb.com)

If we open our hearts in response to His knocking, He enters. God leaves no space that we offer to Him empty. Today, and every day, simply ask. Open to His knocking. And as you persevere in that, watch what happens.-Pentecost Sunday – June 5, 2022

As Mother of the Church, both collectively and for each individual member, Mary  promises to stand by us in our sufferings, to draw closer and closer, and to pray for us, and to pray with us, leading us to communion with Jesus.-Mary, Mother of the Church – June 6, 2022

For years scientists have discovered various elements of our world that seem to push the limits of our understanding. The theory that time actually passes relative to the speed of the individual, the reality that everything is composed of various conglomerations of subatomic particles, the infinite vastness and continual expansion of the entire universe — all these theories boggle the mind. It’s hard to wrap your brain around and truly understand the possibility of some of these theories.

It can seem paradoxical to say that suffering and love coexist, just as it can seem paradoxical to say that one God can exist as three Persons. That paradox reveals not a contradiction but a love that is unable to be stopped, a love that brings hope to whoever is willing to accept it-Trinity Sunday – June 12, 2022

It’s no secret that faith in the Eucharist in our world isn’t the strongest. Our own American church is taking great steps in the next three years to revive that faith — not by disseminating detailed arguments or proofs, but by inviting people to take a step of faith, to believe that just maybe, He can fill that hunger of your heart. If we give Him a chance, He will not let us down.-Solemnity of Corpus Christi – June 19, 2022

Next weekend, we’re celebrating Fourth of July weekend. So it might seem fitting that the second reading for Mass today is all about freedom. Freedom is much more than doing whatever I want. Freedom is living the way I was created to live. Happiness isn’t a passing pleasure, but an enduring peace that is found only in loving communion with Jesus-Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time – June 26, 2022

When you think about it, it’s really quite astounding that the Church actually still exists. The great empires of the ancient world were founded and led by powerful leaders with great skill and charisma. Jesus picked the two weakest, least qualified, and most unlikely men to be the pillars on which the Church that He established would be built. –Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul – June 29, 2022

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A Catholic e-Magazine about Integrating Faith, Family & Work. Helping you to live your faith at home, work and in the public square.

We need to literally turn our temporal, worldly and human perspective upside-down and try to gain an eternal, spiritual and Godly perspective on the circumstances of our lives. This goes for both the good and what we may sometimes perceive to be the bad events in our lives. No matter what our circumstances, if we are people of prayer, we must come to believe that God always has our best interest in mind. And we must also understand that there is sometimes as much spiritual risk for us in our good times as there is in our bad. Therefore, we must avoid becoming proud in our time of prosperity, every bit as much as we must avoid becoming anxious in our times of adversity. Mark DanisA World Upside Down (Jun 27, 2022) Integrated Catholic Life™

CB: What is the Mysterious History of Mysterious World? Where did it begin?

JA: About 15 years ago, I was taking a road trip around the desert Southwest, and I visited Roswell, New Mexico. I started thinking about writing a book called Jimmy Akin’s Book of the Weird, which would look at things like UFOs, Bigfoot, and the Kennedy Assassination and evaluate them from the perspectives of faith and reason. Because of various factors at the time, that didn’t come together, but it was the core concept of what became Mysterious World.

By 2018, I had gotten into podcasting and been invited to join the board of the StarQuest network. The network was at a turning point at the time, and we had some big decisions to make if we were going to continue podcasting. Among other things, we needed ideas for new podcasts that would be popular and that would allow us to fulfill our mission of evangelizing the culture. I mentioned the idea of doing one that looked at mysteries from the faith and reason perspectives. The board was very enthusiastic, and so we set to work. Mark Wilson Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious Interview (JULY 10, 2020) Mark Wilson (patheos.com)

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To restore the rival schools of Christendom. Hosted by T. S. Flanders, @Paleocrat, @KennedyHall, @Luisblogs and Jake Fowler. Our Lady of Victory Press.

Today Halley and Kyleshka pray the Byzantine Rosary and talk about the new MOC Instgram and group, Mary, Queen of the Home. This is from the live Instragram

Ntege Nasser Director at Tabasamu light of hope Uganda

Kindly pray for her soul to rest in peace …she just died right now by an accident on motorcycle….She was children’s care takers at shanitah Nakawessa children’s orphanage home over 14 children…Pray for her soul to rest in peace..

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Sam Rocha �� Texican in Canadia@SamRochadotcom: (May 26, 2022):  I have been blessed to meet many holy people who live virtuous and pious lives. Many of them have been people who share my faith, but more of them have not been. This is a blessing. It affirms my faith in the goodness of creation and Divine love for all, in all, and with all.

Dr Taylor Marshall™️@TaylorRMarshall: Today Joy and I rode horses � onto a small mountain slope ⛰ into a heard of 60 elk: cow elk and newborn baby calves. It was magnificent. They were all squeaking and talking to each other. Seeing that makes you realize how intricate God’s creation is.

An independent LLC publication giving a voice to aspiring Catholic writers to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. Phillip Hadden, Twitter Administrator.

Recently I was giving a tour of St. Peter’s Cathedral Basilica in London Ontario to Our Lady of the Pillar Academy Catholic Private Elementary School. Its one of my favorite things to do as a priest – to welcome children into the Church and point out where Jesus is, how to pray, and what the liturgy is all about.

I began by speaking of the Church in 3 ways: the world of darkness (the narthex); the redeemed world (the nave); and the world to come (the sanctuary). When speaking about the world of darkness, I pointed out that the Baptism ritual often begins at the back of the Church. There we find the holy water fonts, where we remind ourselves of our baptism. I stressed that its in the darkness that Christ comes to greet us, to save us. When I say these things, I tend to have personal experiences in the back of my mind. Fr. Chris Pietraszko, He Found Me in Darkness   (June 23, 2022)  (missiodeicatholic.org)

Corpus Christi is a good time to read The Godfather — the 1969 Mario Puzo novel bears witness to the holiness of the Eucharist. The movie leaves that out.

The most famous scene in The Godfather is Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) serving as godfather at the baptism of his nephew. Coppola cuts away from the godfather’s baptismal promises — Do you renounce Satan? I do renounce him. — to the murders Michael has ordered of the heads of all the rival families.

The juxtaposition of good and evil, the promise of eternal life and premature death, the appearance of pious devotion masking punitive violence; it all makes Coppola’s baptism scene — ancient Latin prayers punctuated by a barrage of gunshots — one of the most memorable in cinematic history.

However, the novel, rich in Catholic imagery, puts Holy Communion in the forefront, not baptism.

Father Raymond J. de Souza    Spiritual Wisdom From ‘The Godfather’ (June 17, 2022) National Catholic Register

National Catholic Reporter: Bringing you independent reporting on the Catholic church and justice issues since 1964.

While God is fire — appearing on Sinai (Exodus 19:18), coming to set the Earth ablaze (Luke 12:49) and descending at Pentecost (Acts 2:3) — even everyday fire by nature is a spiritually porous element. It exists at the intersection of the visible and invisible, a kind of doorway where the Spirits appear and act, such as the angel who consumed Gideon’s offering with fire (Judges 6:21).

It’s no accident that God called John into being at this time of year. Like the sun at the solstice, John declared that he must decrease and Jesus increase. He was the harbinger of fire: Jesus’ baptism of fire and the purifying fire that will burn away the branches that do not produce fruit (Luke 3:16, 3:9). And it is no accident that he who Jesus called the greatest of those born of women (Luke 7:28) intentionally lived off the land in deep communion with all that surrounded him. Damian Costello Rediscover sacred fire on the eve of the Nativity of St. John | Earthbeat (Jun 21, 2022) National Catholic Reporter 

Complete this 8-module course at your own pace. The course is designed as a resource for those who are preparing children or adults with disabilities to receive the Sacraments of Initiation (with an additional module devoted to the Sacrament of Reconciliation).

Read article about course here. 

Jimmy Akin@JimmyAkin3000: I recently contributed a chapter to the book The New Apologetics, which brings together a bunch of thinkers on doing apologetics in a way that takes into account the circumstances of our modern world. Check it out!

When discussing the merits and qualities of sacred art, a distinction is often made between art that has a didactic function – primarily for teaching purposes – and liturgical art which is intended to deepen engagement with God directly during the liturgy itself. Didactic art, it is assumed, engages the person primarily through the intellect, deepening the understanding of salvation history or of a feast. Liturgical art, on the other hand, it is said, engages the heart of the person, and engages both the intellect and will in an ordered and balanced way, so that the whole person is directed to the contemplation of God through worship of Him. DAVID CLAYTON The Distinctions Between Liturgical Art, Didactic Sacred Art, and Illustration: Is There Really Any Difference?( June 28, 2022)New Liturgical Movement

Early in the sixteenth century, Hieronymus Ambrosius Langenmantel commissioned the painting of Mary, Undoer or Untier of knots for St. Peter am Perlach Church in Augsburg, Germany. The artist, Johann Georg Melchior Schmidtner, was inspired by the story of the man’s grandfather, Wolfgang Langenmantel, a German nobleman, and his wife Sophie. The couple’s lives were falling apart and they were on the verge of separation. In an effort to save their marriage, Wolfgang decided to get advice from a Jesuit priest, Father Rem, who lived in a monastery near Augsburg, Germany. They prayed together, raising up to Our Lady “the bond of marriage,” praying that “all knots be loosed and resolved.” After several meetings and many prayers to Our Lady, Wolfgang and Sophie reunited.

The painting portrays Mary dressed in a blue mantle, with twelve stars above her head, standing on the serpent, crushing evil and untying the knots in a long ribbon, working together with the Holy Spirit and the angels. The idea of Mary undoing the knots is believed to have been inspired by the meditation of St. Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyon: “Eve, by her disobedience, tied the knot of disgrace for the human race; whereas Mary, by her obedience, undid it.” Mary is seen as one who intercedes for us to her Son, helping us to let go of what binds us, what ties us to this world, what causes discord, violence and despair, freeing us from the struggles and the “knots” of our lives.

While studying in Germany in the 1980’s, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, now Pope Francis, saw the image of Mary, Undoer of Knots and brought it back to Argentina, promoting devotion to Our Lady. He had this same image engraved on a chalice that he presented to Pope Benedict XVI.

Our Lady Undoer of Knots, pray for us!  Mary Undoer of Knots Novena – NOVENA PRAYER

A journal of Catholic theology, culture, and tradition.

Last night, I complained (on social media; where else?) about how we published a fantastic, moving, uplifting story about an incredible saint — St. Marianne Cope — who took the awful lives of lepers and turned them into something full of beauty and wonder, but that it only had 27 shares.

Meanwhile, my snarky post about Cardinal Wuerl getting millions of dollars in retirement hit 500 shares right out of the gate.

Now, my complaining seemed to have done some good for once. The St. Marianne Cope piece now has over 220 shares and counting, whereas the Wuerl piece is stuck right where it was.

But it had me up last night thinking about all of this stuff. About the fact that since I started trying to do a lot more St. Marianne Cope-type pieces and fewer Wuerl-type pieces, traffic on this website has dropped faster than Gavin Newsome’s approval rating. Whereas in 2018, at the height of all the Vigano revelations, we were getting somewhere between 25-30K pageviews a day, lately, we’re at fewer than 10K. In fact, we haven’t broken the 10K barrier in the past 30 days. Not even once. There could be several reasons for this, but traffic metrics over time tend to be a semi-reliable indicator about whether the content you’re producing is what your audience wants to consume.

In theory, we want to know about the good stuff. The stuff that’s positive and motivating and helps us to live better, more virtuous lives. The stuff that helps us to be inspired to make changes in the right direction.

But the minute someone drops a nasty, negative, outrageous story in front of us, we swarm like flies.

Steve Skojec, Negativity is a Drug, And We’re Hooked (March 5, 2021)  OnePeterFive

I trust that our loving God will treat with mercy those who objectively commit frequent sacrilegious Communions because they don’t know any better, they have been so poorly catechized.  Alas, we have arrived at a point where perhaps a third of church-going Catholics believe the Church’s teaching about the Eucharist and yet the lines for Communion include virtually every person who shows up. Go to confession. Fr. John Zuhlsdorf Worthy Communion -(June 18, 2022)  OnePeterFive

Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen, Hankinson North Dakota Providence

One morning at breakfast, though, we were informed that there seemed to be a mountain lion in the vicinity.  People had heard it screaming.  A day or two later, the report was confirmed. We weren’t too worried, and continued our evening walks, though avoiding the pasture area where we thought the feline would be more likely to roam. We had been advised that, if we saw it, we should raise up our arms so as to appear bigger, and slowly back away from it.  I also heard that mountain lions aren’t prone to attack people. The whole thing reminded me of the scene in the original Parent Trap, where the twins trick their dad’s fiancée into making a fool of herself by knocking sticks together as she walked. It became a little joke throughout my days there, as we reminded each other about danger of the potential intruder. Sister Christina Marie Neumann Watch Out for Mountain Lions! – Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen (6/3/2022)(ndfranciscans.org)

A trusted publication for more than a century, Our Sunday Visitor is an indispensable source of information and formation for Catholics who love their faith.

The Church teaches a lot of things, some of it at a high level of complexity and sophistication, and the actual application to most of our lives can be very obscure. We say the Nicene Creed at Sunday Mass without knowing the mind-bending subtleties of Trinitarian theology. Few of us have the gifts or the time to work it all out. We trust the Church knows what she’s doing even if we don’t. She’ll work out how it all applies to our life.

Following Jesus can mean being taken where you don’t want to go. It is more active and open-ended, and possibly very costly, requiring trust you don’t always want to give. It is something whose meaning and requirements you understand more deeply and more practically the longer you live as a Catholic. David Mills What does it mean to follow ‘all’ of the Church’s teachings? (June 17, 2022)– Our Sunday Visitor (osvnews.com)

I saw a post online recently, about people praying the Rosary outside the public library. It’s a rally they’ve planned to “make reparation” for Drag Queen Story Hour.

They think Jesus is offended by Drag Queen Story Hour, and for all I know He is. They think praying a Rosary will cheer Him up. And for all I know it will.

Nobody prayed outside the slumlord’s house when a building went up in flames because the slumlord forgot to put in smoke detectors, and a whole family burned to death. The neighbors built a little shrine on the spot where the house used to be, with flowers and teddy bears and a wooden cross, but nobody prayed at the slumlord’s house. Nobody prayed outside the apartment building with the black mold and the broken air conditioner, when people began to get sick. Nobody prayed at the spot where the homeless camp was “cleaned up” by the city, and the homeless lost everything they had. Mary Pezzulo Nobody Prays at the Slumlord’s House (June 23, 2022) Steel Magnificat @Patheos Catholic

Tweets from Pauline Books & Media (USA/CAN) a ministry of the @DaughterStPaul#medianuns

Pauline Books & Media ��@PBMPublishing (Jun 17, 2022)“: the first of its kind: a book that focuses on authentically helping autistic people in their prayer lives…from the autistic perspective. I believe any autistic Christian can benefit from giving this book a read…” —Stephanie Bethany, Autistic YouTuber

God Loves the Autistic Mind: Prayer Guide for Those on the Spectrum and Those Who Love Us (2022 by  LC Fr. Matthew P. Schneider 

News and analysis covering the Catholic Church, founded by @JDFlynn and @canonlawyered

Massimo Mellini is a master of art and glass work in Florence. His studio embraces a classical style, focusing on traditional mosaics and stained glass windows, mainly in churches. He’s recently been tasked with restoring 700-year-old artwork in the Duomo of Florence.

But Mellini has also done something not-so-traditional in his line of work. His studio has spent the last three years developing an image for a mosaic that – as of yet – has no customer, and no place to be installed.

The work, intended to be 20×40 feet, is based on Revelations 12, and entitled “Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil.”

Long form discussions, debates, and teachings on the Catholic faith.

Husband, Dad, Speaker, TV Host, Author, & President of Real Life Catholic. Sharing the love of Jesus. Helping you do the same.

Catholic. Husband. Dad. Writer. Superhero geek. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.

Coffee is a sign of the existence of a benevolent Creator.  

Matthew Vincent Chicoine Catholic Meme Monday— Issue 43 – (JUNE 20, 2022) The Simple Catholic

We are a production firm specializing in the transformative power of high-quality visual media merged with the ever ancient ever new beauty of Catholicism.

St. Ignatius was a competent soldier who only picked up the Lives of the Saints when his romances of chivalry reading were not available as he lay convalescing in bed after being struck by a cannonball. It was a fertile ground for conversion because he had nothing else to turn to at that moment.

It’s ok to be creative as Catholics, to seize upon little opportunities to share Christ with someone with your lips, to be Christ to someone with your kindness. Especially when the forgotten, the lost, the dejected, and the hurting who have no one else to turn to present themselves. As one example, St. Francis de Sales used to write his sermons on pieces of paper and slide them under the doors where Calvinists lived. ROB MARCO The Fix –(MAY 29, 2022)  SpiritualDirection.com

The fires of hell, the suffering fires of purgatory, and the all-consuming bliss of beatitude are one thing, the same One. When the soul is freed from the confines, and limits, and filter of the physical body, it rushes back to the Love from whence it proceeded. That soul’s experience of His presence will be hell, purification, or the light of beatitude, depending on its conformity or lack of conformity to God’s love. -Sonja Corbitt  Purgatory is a Person – SpiritualDirection.com

Home of American Catholic History, Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World, and more.

Founded by Scott Hahn, we are a non-profit, research and educational institute promoting life-transforming Scripture study in the Catholic tradition.

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When I’m being honest with myself, precarity absolutely terrifies me. This scandal exists in my own heart. I can say that I trust God’s goodness and his providence. In my mind I admire and long for a radical life of holiness. But in my heart I am terrified of precarity.

I’m scared that my wife or my kids will suddenly get seriously ill or disabled or die. I’m scared of growing old and losing the ability to do the things I love doing. I’m scared of my kids getting into freak accidents. I’m scared of house fires and kidnappings and the whole litany of things that run through a parent’s mind when they can’t get to sleep at night.

The truth is that Christianity does not offer security from precarity. In this world, there is no real escape. Look at Jesus. His life was nothing but precarious, from his poverty and homelessness to his arrest, torture, crucifixion, and death.

Christianity doesn’t free us from precarity, it liberates us from being terrified of it. Mark Shea Me on Paul Fahey on Dorothy Day –(June 22, 2022)  Stumbling Toward Heaven (markpshea.com)

Mark Shea is author of The Church’s Best-Kept Secret: A Primer on Catholic Social Teaching

We challenge poverty in new & innovative ways, working side by side with people of diverse cultures & faiths in Latin America, Asia & Africa.

Unbound@UnboundOrg (Jun 21, 2022) Today on World Music Day, transport yourself to the dusty red roads of #Madagascar while you enjoy these songs written, performed and recorded by sponsored members and their families. Let’s Walk Together – Culture (unbound.org) #worldmusicday #makemusic

Rise and Dream movie trailer from Unbound on Vimeo.

What if each of us embraced the aesthetic of love, as Pope Francis calls it, turning on one another the “kind gaze ” that views each person as valuable, loveable, and precious to God? The kind gaze does not discriminate, judge, measure, or exclude. The kind gaze sees the divine image in every face rather than imposes an image it prefers or insists on. This great worth in every person is what the pope calls beauty in the 2016 apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia (On Love in the Family): “Love opens our eyes and enables us to see, beyond all else, the great worth of a human being.

ALICE CAMILLE  Catholicism gives us a common language (and it’s not Latin) –(June 13, 2022) U.S. Catholic (uscatholic.org)

Supporting bishops through evangelization efforts and promoting the greater good which the Church offers humankind. 

Scene: a company of characters from The Lord of the Rings are meeting at a local coffee shop for their monthly book club. Here’s what they order.

Frodo Baggins is first in line, ordering a small Dark Roast with a biscotti.

Samwise Gamgee immediately follows, “I’ll have whatever Mr. Frodo’s having” but quickly adds cream and sugar after realizing it would be a bit much for him.

Gollum is beside himself because the coffee shop doesn’t have any raw fish, doesn’t order anything at all.

Lord of the Rings Characters as Coffee Shop Orders — Tea with Tolkien

Sometimes there is the risk of confining the Eucharist to a vague, distant dimension, perhaps bright and perfumed with incense, but rather distant from the straits of everyday life. In reality, the Lord takes all our needs to heart, beginning with the most basic. And he wants to give an example to his disciples, saying, “You give them something to eat” (v. 13), to those people whom he had listened to during the day. We can evaluate our Eucharistic adoration when we take care of our neighbour like Jesus does. There is hunger for food around us, but also of companionship; there is hunger for consolation, friendship, good humour; there is hunger for attention, there is hunger to be evangelized. We find this in the Eucharistic Bread – the attention of Christ to our needs and the invitation to do the same toward those who are beside us. We need to eat and feed others. Angelus – Activities of the Holy Father Pope Francis | Vatican.va

The Vatican Observatory is an institution for astronomical research and public outreach to advance the scientific understanding of our universe.

Catholic thinkers from Augustine to Aquinas to John Paul II have been at pains to remind us that there are not two different kinds of truth, one for science and another for religion. But there are two kinds of questions. One sort are those that have simple and often quantifiable answers: how many, how big, what happens first, what happens next? Science answers this kind of question. Once these questions are solved, we put them aside and go on to the next set of questions.

The second kind of question, though, are those that we continue to ponder all our lives, even when we already have answers for them… questions about meaning and beauty and love. Rather than answering them, science can provoke us to ask such questions, illuminating them in a new light. When it does that, science enriches our religion and philosophy without pretending to replace it. Br. Guy Consolmagno  |  A Tiny Particle of the Creator –(25 Jun 2022) Vatican Observatory

Faith-filled stories that inspire heroic lives. #Comics #Catholic Founded by @PhilipKosloski

What you are about to read is a fascinating collection of legends from the popular historian and author of the 19th century, Andrew Lang. He wrote, along with his wife, Lenora, many popular collections of myths and fairy tales, such as the color-coded Fairy Book series. J.R.R. Tolkien was highly influenced by Lang’s collections as a child, as well as an adult. In fact, his famous essay, On Fairy Stories, was originally designed to be part of a series of lectures about Andrew Lang.

While Andrew Lang was not a practicing Christian, he decided to publish a book on Saints and Heroes that featured many medieval myths and legends about Catholic saints. It was designed, like many of his books, to be read aloud, specifically to children. While some of the language used can be difficult for the modern reader, it still retains its value as a popular read aloud book, especially among homeschool families. At the same time, Tolkien would argue that these stories are not to be reserved to children but should be enjoyed by adults of every age. We all need to awaken in ourselves a sense of wonder and these legends can help even adults achieve that goal. The Book of Saints and Heroes – Voyage Classics – Voyage Comics

While art may be used for many purposes, its primary purpose is to celebrate what is True, and Good, and Beautiful. The purpose of all art is to lift mankind out of his finite life in order to contemplate the infinite. The more that art accomplishes this the more it succeeds in its purpose. For this reason the more that artists live their faith the better prepared they will be to speak the language of beauty.

This does not mean that art must deal solely with religious subjects or confine itself to the liturgical space, but it reaches its highest achievements when it does so. Deacon Lawrence Notes Towards A Theology of Art (June 22, 2022) The Way of Beauty

The Kaplica Czaszek (skull chapel) of St. Bartholomew’s Church, Czermna, Kudowa, Poland dates from the end of the 18th century and is the only such chapel in the country. Over 21,000 human remains are interred here, while the remains of 3,000 victims of plague and war adorn the walls. The remains were collected, cleaned, and arranged by Fr. Vaclav Tomasek between 1776 and 1804 as part shrine, part memento mori. THOMAS L. MCDONALD   The Skull Chapel of Czermna –(JUNE 20, 2019) Weird Catholic

When I was a child, and my parents and grandparents would teach me lessons about our faith and our Saints, I always pictured the Heavenly “offices” of our saints as bustling places, with requests flooding in and prayers on our behalf going out. But, as I grew up, I realized that some Saints are more “popular” than others. Our Blessed Mother is extremely busy. St. Jude is pretty busy. St. Anthony is very busy (and requests that you keep better track of your items). But how about the saints that we don’t turn to a lot, whom we’ve barely even heard of? They are there, and they would love to hear from you!

Why not start talking with them this summer?

DUANE HYLAND   · The Saints of Summer  (JUNE 17, 2022)  – Where Peter Is

In addition to religious liberty and the death penalty, the Church’s increased emphasis on human dignity has led to it forcefully speaking out against other practices once tolerated by Church authority, such as torture and slavery. More recently, the Church has made incremental changes to its approach towards other marginalized groups, including women, gays and lesbians, and people of other faiths in recognition of their human dignity. Many public acts by Pope Francis, both planned and spontaneous, have carried great symbolic meaning that reinforces the Catholic belief in the universal nature of human rights. Gestures such as his embrace of a man with a disfigured face at the end of a general audience; washing the feet of women, Muslims, and prisoners on Holy Thursday; and inviting children with disabilities to join him in the popemobile as it zips around St. Peter’s Square serve as simple reminders of the universal nature of human dignity.

Even though Roe is gone, we still have an obligation to support the dignity of the unborn and their families, especially women and girls who need help raising their children. We all share in this responsibility. I join in David French’s call: “The answer from pro-life America should be clear and resounding—the commitment to life carries with it a commitment to love, to care for the most vulnerable members of society, both mother and child.”

MIKE LEWIS   ·  Human dignity and holes in the seamless garment –(JUNE 28, 2022) Where Peter Is

Founded by @BishopBarron Word on Fire Catholic Ministries is a nonprofit global media organization proclaiming Christ in the culture.

But perhaps best of all, humor results in laughter, and laughter is an end in itself. One could borrow from Josef Pieper and say that, like contemplation, laughter’s “very premise is freedom from the fetters of workaday busyness.” We laugh, to quote the “Piano Man,” “to forget about life for a while.” In an age of never-ending darkness, we are hungry (desperate, even) for joy. Laughter is the calling card of joy. Reflexive, unbridled, unashamed joy.

Imagine the enormity of God’s mirth. Imagine the magnitude of his wit. Soon, we will know it firsthand. But in the meantime, God left us with just a taste of the awesome mirth that is to come: glorious, delicious, irrepressible laughter.

DR. TOD WORNER The Deeper Meaning of Laughter  (JUNE 16, 2022) Word on Fire

ZENIT is an international, non-profit news agency staffed by a team of professionals and volunteers who are convinced that the extraordinary wisdom of the Pontiff and the Catholic Church can nourish hope, and assist all of humanity to find truth, justice and beauty.The coverage we offer focuses on The Pope’s activities like apostolic trips, documents, meetings with state officials, and more.

On Sunday, June 5, Solemnity of Pentecost, the Catholic community of Nigeria suffered a terrible attack, which left some 21 people dead.

“The terrible massacre perpetrated in a Catholic church in Nigeria has not received the importance it deserves  in many of the world’s main media. In fact, a second-class suffering exists that causes another suffering, which stems from feeling forgotten, from witnessing that one’s sorrow, no matter how great it is, is not worthy of attention

Elizabeth Owens Massacre of Catholics in Nigeria. Pope Speaks Out. The Media Is Silent About This “Second-Class” Suffering (JUNE 07, 2022) – ZENIT – English